Halloween Pet Dangers
Halloween is a season when it’s fun to be scared, but there is nothing fun about the serious dangers Halloween can present to pets. Being aware of Halloween...
Goats can be a delightful, productive and profitable addition to your small farm. To make the most of goats, however, you have to be prepared to meet their needs. Is your farm ready for goats?
Why You Need Goats
If you don't have goats on your farm, you're missing out on a wide range of profitable opportunities. Different goat breeds can produce differently to meet your personal or commercial interests, with options including…
Goats can also be great companions for other livestock, including sheep, horses and cattle. As companions, goats can help reduce the stress of other animals and provide entertainment and enrichment with play and games. Furthermore, goats are just plain fun and entertaining for humans as well, and are great for agriculturally-minded kids to raise or for a 4-H program, scouting project or similar educational opportunity.
What Goats Need
Like all livestock, goats have basic needs that must be met or they will not be healthy, thriving members of your farm community. To properly care for goats, you must provide…
Breeding Goats
Many people prefer to keep nanny goats because they are the milk producers, and nannies are generally more even-tempered than male goats, or billies. A female goat won't begin producing milk until she has had at least one kid, however, and many goat keepers find it easier to rent a billy if they plant to breed their goats. It is important to note that billies have a strong musk, and the odor can taint milk and cheese if a male is in close proximity to females long enough. Putting up with the hassle of breeding goats is well worthwhile, however, not only to encourage your nannies to produce, but also to increase the size of your goat herd for even more production or for extra goats to sell in the future.
Goats can be a fun and worthwhile addition to your small farm, and if you provide these clever animals what they need, they'll provide you with the production, profits and entertainment you want.
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Halloween is a season when it’s fun to be scared, but there is nothing fun about the serious dangers Halloween can present to pets. Being aware of Halloween...