Ice Melt vs Your Pets Paws
Winter walkways can be dangerous, but slips, falls and slides are not the only concerns pet owners should have about icy paths. Different ice melt chemicals...
Our Grain Free Dakota Frontier Buffalo Meal Recipe is a non-GMO, limited ingredient dry food with nutritious buffalo meal as the first ingredient. Buffalo Meal is an easy to digest protein source recommended for dogs with allergies. Buffalo meat is relatively lean, low in cholesterol and high in protein content and has a high concentration of iron and essential fatty acids. It is also extremely flavorful, making it both a healthy and tasty choice for your pet. As in all our dry foods, the protein in Grain Free Dakota Frontier Buffalo Meal Recipe is over 70% from animal sources and we use a slow-cook low-temperature process which helps retain the maximum nutritional value from all our ingredients.
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Winter walkways can be dangerous, but slips, falls and slides are not the only concerns pet owners should have about icy paths. Different ice melt chemicals...