Knowing the Signs of Allergies in Pets
Allergies in pets are rarer than allergies in humans, but they can still make pets uncomfortable and severe reactions can cause grave health problems. Pet...
Essential K® is a low sugar/starch (NSC), no added iron ration balancer designed to be fed to easy-keeping or overweight horses, or used as a top-dress with any other Tribute® feed to provide additional vitamins, trace minerals and amino acids to support performance or enhance topline. This ration balancer is ideal for horses consuming hay or pasture that is 50% or less alfalfa (or other legumes). If feeding hay or pasture that is 50% or more alfalfa, check out Alfa Essentials®. Essential K® is formulated with pre- and probiotics to support your horse’s digestive health.
Resolve® was designed with the hard-keeping and hard-working horse in mind. This soft, pelleted feed is high in fat (10%), high in fiber (18%), and low in NSC (17.5%), making it suitable for horses with sugar and starch sensitivities that also have higher calorie needs. Its high fiber level makes it a great option when hay quality is poor or hay replacement is necessary. Resolve® is also formulated with higher levels of Vitamin E (300 IU/lb), as well as pre- and probiotics to support your horse’s digestive health. It does not contain any added iron.
Kalm Ultra® was designed with the hard-keeping and hard-working horse in mind. This soft, pelleted feed is very high in fat (12%), making it suitable for horses with the highest calorie needs. Kalm Ultra® is also formulated with pre- and probiotics to support your horse’s digestive health and does not contain any added iron.
Senior Sport® was designed with the hard-keeping and hard-working horse in mind. This textured feed is high in fat (10%), high in fiber (18%), and low in NSC (16.5%), making it suitable for horses with sugar and starch sensitivities that also have higher calorie needs. Its high fiber level makes it a great option when hay quality is poor or hay replacement is necessary. Senior Sport® is also formulated with pre- and probiotics to support your horse’s digestive health and does not contain any added iron.
Kalm ‘N EZ® Pellet is higher in fat (8%), high in fiber (20%), very low in NSC (13.5%) and does not have any added iron. This feed is suitable for moderate to harder-keeping horses with sugar and starch sensitivities, including Insulin Resistance, PSSM Type 1 and other metabolic disorders. The low sugar and starch (NSC) levels also make it an excellent choice for hyperactive horses and horses with digestive tract sensitivities. Its high fiber level also makes Kalm ‘N EZ® Pellet a great option when hay quality is poor or hay replacement is necessary. This feed is formulated with pre- and probiotics to support your horse’s digestive health.
Synergize™ was designed with the hard-keeping and hard-working horse in mind. This soft, pelleted feed is very high in fat (13%), high in fiber (20%) and low in NSC (15%), making it suitable for horses with the highest calorie needs that also have sensitivities to sugar and starch. The high fiber levels in Synergize™ make it a great option when hay quality is not ideal. This no-added iron premium horse feed is also formulated with our Constant Comfort® technology, which includes seaweed derived calcium to help maintain proper stomach pH and Equi-Ferm XL® pre- and probiotics to support your horse’s hindgut health.
The Constant Comfort® gut health supplement system offers horses 24/7 support and is comprised of three products: Constant Comfort® Plus, the Constant Comfort® Block and the Constant Comfort® Paste. Constant Comfort® Plus is a top dress that should be fed at regular feedings and before times of stress. It provides your horse with Aloe Vera, Glutamine and Lecithin to help soothe their stomach and support their stomach lining, as well as Seaweed Derived Calcium to maintain proper stomach pH. It also contains Equi-Ferm XL®, a pre- and probiotic that supports hindgut health. We recommend using the Constant Comfort® Plus in conjunction with the Constant Comfort® Block.
Seniority™ Pellet is a high fiber (18%), lower NSC (18%) complete feed that does not have any added iron. This soft, pelleted feed was designed for horses that have trouble eating hay, as it can completely replace the hay portion of your horse’s diet, if needed. Seniority™ Pellet provides fewer calories per pound because of this design, as hay replacement feeds must be fed in high quantities (at least 1% of the horse’s body weight) to supply the horse with enough fiber to fully replace hay. This feed is formulated with pre- and probiotics to support your horse’s digestive health.
Seniority™ Low NSC is an ultra-low NSC (10%) complete feed that does not have any added iron. Albeit its name, this feed is suitable for horses of all ages with sugar and starch sensitivities, including Insulin Resistance, PSSM Type 1 and other metabolic disorders. The low sugar and starch (NSC) levels also make it an excellent choice for hyperactive horses and horses with digestive tract sensitivities. Its high fiber level also makes Seniority™ Low NSC a great option when hay quality is poor or hay replacement is necessary. This feed is formulated with pre- and probiotics to support your horse’s digestive health.
Tribute® Wholesome Blends® Horse Treats are cookie-sized, soy-free horse treats made with whole seeds, vegetables and probiotics. These treats are soft, safely made and sure to have your horse begging for more!
Tribute® Wholesome Blends® Horse Treats are cookie-sized, soy-free horse treats made with whole seeds, vegetables and probiotics. These treats are soft, safely made and sure to have your horse begging for more!
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Allergies in pets are rarer than allergies in humans, but they can still make pets uncomfortable and severe reactions can cause grave health problems. Pet...